UPDATE: Since DIVI 2.6 you can disable the DIVI built-in Gallery in the Theme Options. Our call was heard and this core-hack is therefore obsolete!

If you are using the DIVI Theme (actual version 2.5.9) and tried to install another lightbox plugin of your choice, you might have as well found out that it simply doesn’t work and the DIVI internal lightbox function stays active. I have raised the issue in Elegant Theme’s forum and I hope they consider adding a checkbox to deactivate the DIVI lightbox directly from somewhere in the theme options, in this way opening the needed flexibility to choose for ourselves, which lightbox we want to use.

For the moment there is only a core hack available, thanks to the user dpcdpc11 who posted his solution in the forum. I figured out the lines and you find the two functions that you need to comment out in the file Diviincludesbuilderscriptsfrontend-builder-scripts.js from line 1022 to line 1063 (in 2.5.9). To comment out, use // in front of each line, or simple delete the lines.

NOTE: Be aware that this is a core-hack and the changes will get lost with your next update of the theme and that you need to do it again after the update. In case you have a solution that can disable the DIVI lightbox from within the functions.php of a child-theme, or any other update-safe solution, it would be great if you share it in the comments.

Recommendation: I love the plugin Responsive Lightbox by DFactory. It is a free plugin with such amazing functionality and design, simply the best I ever found, and getting better and better.