CSS: Self-clearing an element from float
Whenever an element is suddenly floating with its predecessors even if it shouldn’t, this is the most comfortable way to clear the float directly on the element itself, with one CSS rule.
Whenever an element is suddenly floating with its predecessors even if it shouldn’t, this is the most comfortable way to clear the float directly on the element itself, with one CSS rule.
I simply like it simple, beautiful, well-thought and flawless responsive, join me on my quest for the perfect list view for posts, events or articles.
In DIVI, the blog- and archive-pages can be transformed into a multi-column view with only a few lines of CSS. See how…
In a multi-column layout, when we have content of different length with buttons at the end, they usually hang on different heights. Let’s bottom-align them.
Responsive slider images are an art in itself, and usually they get cut, clipped or cropped on top, bottom, left, right or all around. Sometimes we don’t want this. Here’s the famous padding-bottom trick for DIVI Sliders.
Columns: Multi-column in weblayouts with CSS3
If we want to use an image with integrated text, for example with quotes that we want to style pixelperfect, responsiveness and full-width become challenging.
Often we need to adapt our CSS customizations to the different device sizes, and it is very helpful to have the media query breakpoints of the DIVI theme at hand. Artiom from Elegant Themes was revealing this handy list.
In best case the regular menu stays visible as long as possible, before collapsing to the mobile menu. Since every menu has a different width, we can optimize the responsiveness by moving its breakpoint.
Did you ever try to center a block of successive images? Can feel so complicated, but after all with the help of a little CSS trick the centering gets easy to achieve.