WordPress: Removing classes, styles and all unwanted tag attributes during paste process
Clean HTML Tags whenever pasting content into the WordPress editor. Remove disturbing classes, styles and any tag attributes that might even harm your site.
Clean HTML Tags whenever pasting content into the WordPress editor. Remove disturbing classes, styles and any tag attributes that might even harm your site.
I simply like it simple, beautiful, well-thought and flawless responsive, join me on my quest for the perfect list view for posts, events or articles.
The Simple Share Buttons Light plugin loads in under 0.005 seconds consistently due to base64 icons, and with a tiny bit of centering, opacity and padding CSS it gets the final touch of sobriety.
Today another part of my dream calendar came true: Showing categories or tags in tabs/tabbed view. All we need is the All-in-One Event Calendar shortcodes and a tab plugin or module.
I was on my quest to make my long event calendar dream come true in WordPress. The agenda and stream view of All-in-One Event Calendar already got very close, so my quest had begun, and my notes became this little All-in-One Event Calendar theme customization tutorial you are about to enjoy.
By default, the checkboxes in Contact Form 7 appear in one single line one after the other. Fortunately, it is very easy to give each checkbox its own new line.
DIVI & Duplicator create in some cases database migration problems, resulting in question marks for special characters and empty DIVI builder pages.
Disable the Emojis feature that came with WordPress 4.2
A list of the WordPress Plugins I commonly use, structured in categories, with short remarks, experiences and plugin settings.