I needed my logo to be transparent (therefore .png), but found Chrome rendering it with anti-aliased, pixelated and ugly edges. Thanks to Andrei from the Elegant Themes Support, one line of CSS solved the issue:
1 |
#logo {-webkit-transform: initial;} |
You have saved me so much time messing about with a logo – thank you so much! Really appreciated :)
As someone who’s not very tech savy, where do I put this CSS line? Like, on which settings page do I add it? Thanks!
The easist way to add CSS is in the “DIVI Theme options” (backend, left menu, first entry). There in the first tab “General” you find at the bottom a space for Custom CSS. Copy and paste it there and confirm with “Save Changes”.
Thank you! You saved me a lot of time with this solution. I was thinking about a CSS property with image-rendering but I don’t have luck with it. This solution works perfect with Chrome and Divi 3.0.30.
Love this solution – i’m now rolling it out through all by Divi sites
Absolute time saver! Thank you!
Wow! Best and fastest solution I have ever found for a problem online! Thank you so much!!!
Thank you!
Nice solution, perfect for me :)
Thank you. If only ET would share this too it would save people so much time. Awesome share. Thank you.
Thank you so much for sharing! So helpful!!
Seriously, I appreciate this simple, but extreemly helpful bit of code. I thought it was my divi theme.
Thank you …. Really very good solution … You was help me very much !!
Thanks for sending me in the right direction. However your solution was not working for me anymore. So I found this one, and thought I’d share it here …
#logo {
filter: none;
-webkit-filter: blur(0px);
-moz-filter: blur(0px);
-ms-filter: blur(0px);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(PixelRadius=’0′);
Massive thank you!
Thank you very much, its working super :-)
Great tip! Thank you! I was growing in despair before I found this…
Thank you so much for sharing this simple solution. I was getting ready to give up along with the client.
thank you thank you thank you!!!
I have wasted at least 15 hours looking for a solution and even bought a plugin that led me to beleive it addressed the issue. You should sell this snippet of code for $2-5 with a guarantee that it will fix pixelated logos where the bg is transparent. WOW, WOW, WOW…. I am very grateful to you for putting this out fo others to use for free.
Oh, finally solution for this issue. Thanks a lot! :D
So helpful! Bookmarking this as I know I will use it again and again.
YOU Sir/Madam, are a Lifesaver!!!!!!!!! Really struggled with this. Thank you so much
You just made my day xD
You have saved me so much time – thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank you for this!